Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Girls are pretty

I like girls. Good, now we have got that out of the way, I also like girls that rock. Below are some pretty good examples. I recently got the ablum This Gift by Sons and Daughters and have been listening to it constantly.

But before I begin, YouTube found it clever to disable embedding some videos. So you'll have to be less lazy and click through to the youtube page of a few of these. I know it's hard for people as lazy as you, but dammit, I have faith in you. Do it! Click the link!

So let's go ahead and try something:
(click here if video does not work)
Also recommended: Sons & Daughters - Gilt Complex

While not technically a girl, Mark Ronson did work with a few on some tracks of his own:
(click here if video doesn't work)
Also recommended: Mark Ronson - Toxic. Yes, the Toxic by Britney Speats. And, yes, that is Tiggers and ODB)

Try on some Ting Tings
(click here if video does not work)
Also recommended: Ting Tings - Fruit Machine

Hot Toddies are in Seattle
(click here if video doesn't work)
sorry it's live, it was the only thing by them on the Tube. I'd listen to Photosynthesis by them if you can find it.

Lest I forget, the Yeah Yeah Yeahs must be represented as well:
(here again if video doesn't work)
I'd also recommend the Diplo remix of the same song:

One more, The Pipettes (try saying the name with a British accent and you'll get it right)
(link doesn't work, click here)
Also recommended: The Pipettes - Your Kisses Are Wasted On Me

Not to put a shit ton of music up at once, but Mike posting his mix on his blogblogblog reminded me to post something here.

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