Friday, January 23, 2009

One new voicemail message. Check voicemail?

First unheard message:
William, it's your friend Jay Kamath. I'm in LA with Mike Soucy. Remember, we all grew up together. There is this nice lawn here and we're all rolling in it...
Mike wants to put his dick on the lawn. I don't know what that means. But there is this really nice lawn out here. (Pause.) And Mike really wants to put his dick on something...
Anyway there are a lot of lawns. Lots of green spaces. (Pause. Mike says something in the background.) Mike is leaning toward Alistair to put his dick on. That is a direct quote. Now Mike is going to hump a car...
Anways there are lots of nice lawns around. We can all roll around. It's good. Everyone will have a good, great time. So stop being a bitch and come out here. Fuck you!
Recieved 5AM east coast time. To replay this message, Press 1. No more messages.


Mike said...

It was a nice lawn.

Murph said...

That's actually better than the one I received at 4:59AM of Mike vividly describing how much he enjoyed holding his penis while peeing and that I should somehow feel nostalgic about it.

Unknown said...

Frankly, I'm flattered